DirectBI Make Big-data Easier with Open Source


  • DirectBI provide end-to-end bigdata solution including Bigdata Infrastructure, Bigdata Ingestion, Bigdata Intelligence, Bigdata mIning and deep learning(Bigdata braining).
  • DirectBI build new data-driven applications using massively scalable distributed storage and processing platforms.
  • DirectBI use open source to build Bigdata solution for you to try, to test and to decide.

Bigdata Infrastructure

  • DirectBI help you setup your Bigdata Infrastructure for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to your big data collection.
  • DirectBI help enterprise users make better business decisions based on your big data asset
  • DirectBI integrate Kafka, Spark/Spark Streaming, Cassandra and Zeppelin for real time analytics, insights and visualization.
  • DirectBI leverage LAMMP(Linux/Apache/MySQL/MongoDB/PHP) stack for real time Bigdata application.
  • DirectBI setup Hadoop cluster providing distributed storage and distributed batch processing of very large data sets using commodity hardware
  • DirectBI use Storm cluster with "spouts" and "bolts" to define information sources and manipulations to allow real-time processing of streaming data
  • DirectBI leverage Lambda architecture combineing batch processing Hadoop with streaming processing Storm/ELK to provide real time view of your big data

Bigdata Intelligence

  • DirectBI provide Bigdata Intelligenece to get immediate and actionable insight from your big data
  • Bigdata Intelligence creates applications in decision support systems, query and reporting, online analytical processing, statistical analysis, forecasting
  • ELK stack integrates Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana together to take data from any source, to search, to analyze and to visualize big data in real time
  • Pentaho Suite combines traditional data warehouse with big data technology to create complex solutions for your business

Bigdata Insight

  • DirectBI build customized models to analyze your big data, to help making business decision and to improve your business performance
  • Apache Mahout provides distributed and scalable machine learning algorithms for collaborative filtering, clustering and classification
  • Apache Spark uses in-memory primitives providing much better performance in big data mining, machine learning and big data analysis

Bigdata braIn(Deep Learning)

DirectBI Benefits

  • we use open source to lower your cost at the beginning and also moving forward
  • we provide direct service to you, including hardware, software and personal/expertise to build and maintain Bigdata Intelligence system. So you can save resource/personal in different areas, such as in IT, DBA, DBD, analytics, data mining, reportings, etc. This alone could save you millions of dollar each year to maintain the BI system.
  • Our analytics expertise will build customized models for you to measure business, improve efficiency, lower risk, optimize profit, predict future markets etc.